Amaya Hernández

Amaya Hernández is a visual artist and teacher based in Madrid. She's developing a PhD in Fine Arts, and she holds a degree in Film Photography Direction and a Master's Degree in Photography.

During her career she has received well recognized awards and grants such as: Generaciones de Caja Madrid, the Bancaja Digital Art Prize, the INJUVE Prize, Circuitos de las Artes Plásticas de la Comunidad de Madrid and grants for Visual Arts Creation from the Comunidad de Madrid and Madrid City Council, among others. His work has been shown in institutions and museums such as: La Casa Encendida, El Círculo de Bellas Artes, the Centro Cultural Conde Duque, the IVAM (in Valencia) and the MAC (in A Coruña). He has participated in international festivals such as the Guadalajara International Book Festival in Mexico (FIL) and the International Video Art Festival "Now&After" in Moscow. His work can be found in the Art Collection of the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, CA2M, the Fundación Bancaja and the Fundación Montemadrid among others.

