Born in Barcelona in 1935. He studied at the Escuela Superior de Artes Decorativas Massana, in Barcelona between 1951 and 1957. He received a grant from the Diputación Provincial de Barcelona in 1962. In 1962/3 he studied in the National School of Fine Arts in Paris. He lives most of the time in Paris.
He has been exhibiting regularly since 1964 in different European cities, as well as in the United States, Brazil, Japan and Corea. The Art Centre Villa Tamaris in La Seyne-sur-Mer presented a retrospective of his work in 2003.
He has participated in the following international exhibitions:
Paris Biennial 1965 y 1969, Venice Biennial 1972 y 1976, Barcelona Paris New York, Palacio Robert, Barcelona, Ideas y Actitudes, Centro de Arte Santa Monica, Barcelona, 1992, The City, Georges Pompidou Centre, Paris and Centro de Cultura Contemporanea, Barcelona, Logo Non Logo, Thread Waxing Space, New York,1994, The City in Europe, Contemporary Art Museum, Tokyo, Face to face with history, Pompidou Centre, Paris 1996, Juegos y Simulacros, Canal de Isabel II, Madrid, 1999, The one hundred smiles of Mona Lisa, Metropolitan Museum, Tokyo, 2000, Azerty, Pompidou Centre, Paris, An Exhibition of Art as Communication, Art in the Atrium, Madison, 2001. Printed in Spain, Neues Museum Wesserburg, Bremen and MACBA Barcelona, 2005.Desacuerdos MACBA 2005. El arte sucede, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, 2006. Primera generacion, arte e imagen en movimiento (1963-1986) Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, 2006.