Pedro Torres (Brazil, 1982) is a visual artist. His artistic practice focuses on the concepts of time, distance, memory, language and image, through the use of different languages and mediums in the development of his works and research projects. He has recently exhibited at the Festival Poesia i + (Caldes d'Estrach), Centre d'Art Contemporani Fabra i Coats (Barcelona), OTR. espacio de arte (Madrid), Swab Barcelona, Dilalica (Barcelona), Bienal de Cuenca (Ecuador), Chiquita Room (Barcelona), ArtBo (Bogotá, Colombia), CaixaForum Barcelona, BienalSUR (Casa Nacional del Bicentenario, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Festival Embarrat (Tárrega), NC-arte (Bogotá, Colombia), ARCO Lisbon (Portugal), Travesía Cuatro Gallery and La Casa Encendida (Madrid), Luis Adelantado Gallery (Valencia), Mardin Biennial (Turkey), Bienal de las Fronteras (Mexico), Blueproject Foundation and Fundació Antoni Tàpies (Barcelona). Torres has received awards and grants, such as the Sala d'Art Jove de Barcelona production award (2013), the research grant from the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2013) and the Marcelino Botín Foundation grant (2007), among others. He has been in artistic residencies in Seoul (South Korea), Berlin (Germany) and Barcelona (Spain). Some of his works belong to the collections of MadridAbierto, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Blueproject Foundation and other private collections. She lives and works in Barcelona, where she is a long-term resident artist at Hangar, Centro de producción e investigación de artes visuales.