CAMILO... la vida como performance

Isaías Griñolo | Antonio Orihuela
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Performance > feminine noun (RAE):

    1. An avant-garde show that combines elements from different arts and fields, such as music, dance, theatre and the plastic arts.
    2. Camilo staged a single performance: his life.

Throughout the ages, humans have dreamed of the lands of Utopia. In the 1970s, for many Andalusians, that land had a very specific location: Barcelona. Camilo went there in 1973, fleeing from the greyness, where he met Nazario and Ocaña. The three Andalusians became the protagonists of one of the most exciting periods in the recent history of Barcelona.

Camilo was an LTGBI activist. He died in Moguer (Huelva) in 1994, victim of AIDS.

Since 1993 a gigantic patchwork has been growing, gathering more and more names of AIDS victims. A collective work of family and friends to record the immense human loss that this disease entailed, and as a way of reflecting on it, the stigma and discrimination that many people living with HIV still suffer today.

On 1 December 2016, this immense multicoloured canvas made by family and friends was unfurled in Barcelona's Cathedral Square, a symbol of love and living memory of those who are no longer with us... including Camilo.

This film essay is our contribution to how much still needs to be stitched together in our society so that coexistence is the fruit of diversity.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: CAMILO... la vida como performance
  • Direction: Isaías Griñolo - Antonio Orihuela
  • Production: 2018.
  • Duration: 00:28:57
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Original format: Quicktime
  • Formats: HD 1920x1080