Galicia sitio distinto

Antón Reixa

Atypical videoclip, as are usually those of the group Os Resentidos. An exaltation of Galician culture, ironically fusing its clichés with the signs of identity of the society of the moment. Antón R. Reixa makes a video clip about the speed of the exchanges of Galician culture without denying tradition. The culture of this Autonomy is open to globalisation, a new identity that has been amassed.

"Travellers on the train and Galicians too".

Antón R. Reixa dressed as a Galician woman with a hat (giving a Galician), Antón R. Reixa as a persecuted Jew, as a mod with a scarf. Mutations of a Galician in different situations, nuancing his dissimilarities with other peoples. Varied characters (and personalities) rescued from the past whose souvenir identity is recycled in these times of television. Electronics blending folklore and postmodernity (anthropology, art and politics) into a complex synthesis of identities.

"Heel, heel, heel, heel, toe heel".

The clichés of Galician customs recombined on a television set. The means of visual production from different shots provide different icons loaded with meaning. All of them in traditional dresses turned into media characters representing the society of the moment in Galicia. Globalisation of the particular model of Galician identity that inhabits the whole world without being based on others. "Galicia sitio distinto", as a song, at the time became a hymn that postmodernly identified a whole historically depressed people, breathed life into it and, in turn, a nod to the whole cultural movement that was coming to an end at that time.

"Once a guy in Noia, paranoid, told me that Álvaro Pino had bought a Vespino and, without speaking, decided to sing an Italian song called Il Mondo, Mondo! Noia paranoia e Mondo Mondoñedo, viño branco, viño tinto, Galicia, sitio distinto".

Technical datasheet

  • Title: Galicia sitio distinto
  • Direction: Antón Reixa
  • Production: Videoesquimal S.A.. 1989.
  • Duration: 00:06:00
  • Languages: Galician
  • Formats: Betacam Digital - DVD
  • TV systems: NTSC - PAL
  • License: Copyright