
Cristina Zhang Yu 张婷婷

6 March 2019. This video-poem arises from the call for the 8M strike, from the instrumentalisation of the image without critical discourse, which is empty of self-reflection from hegemonic white feminism. It is a dialogue with this feminist framework, trying to show the emptiness of the words through repetitions (sexist and patriarchal) and sharing, at last, a reflection on the situation she lived and saw. This video is in itself an autobiography of her own feelings, accumulating experiences from previous years and the subsequent disenchantment with a discourse that did not know how to respond to her when she pointed out racism. The end is intended as her own position in the face of this framework, posed on the basis of questions: calling for an (im)possible encounter, for a mutual listening and a desired dialogue.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: Ochoeme
  • Direction: Cristina Zhang Yu 张婷婷
  • Production: 2019.
  • Duration: 00:00:54
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Subtitles: Spanish
  • Formats: HD 1920x1080