Pieza Musical

Javier Codesal
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In Pieza musical, Codesal offers us a very particular sound essay by the Banda de Cornetas y Tambores Nuestra Señora de Fuensanta. In the middle of the night, a group of youngsters play a piece of music. It is a slow and sad march, a traditional piece charged with religiosity.

In an urban looking open field, in the middle of the night, the group of boys that make up the band practice for the moment when they will play their music. We can see that it is cold as the kids are practicing with their coats on.

Codesal introduces us to the band gradually, with portraits of its individual members. The music directs the moment and the sensations of the group, but Codesal approaches the young musicians with close-ups. The sound that we hear is  related to these same close-ups: we follow the musical composition from the point of view (and hearing) of the different members of the band, rather than from that of the totality of the band. We witness the moments at which each kid has to come in with his music. In this way, each member joins singularly the collective situation.

The boys participate with their cornets and drums. The expression on their faces is serious, but they nevertheless experience the emotion in that which they are playing. Only one of the drummers smiles at one point, showing that he is enjoying the musical situation.

Pieza musical can be watched individually as a video, and also, as one of the pieces of the work Arcángel, comprising the videos Lectura de manos, Arcángel and Pieza musical itself.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: Pieza Musical
  • Direction: Javier Codesal
  • Production: Caja San Fernando. 2002.
  • Duration: 00:08:40
  • Original format: Quicktime
  • Formats: Betacam Digital - DVD
  • TV systems: PAL
  • License: Copyright