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This piece, which was made for the exhibition programme Arte en Sitio, comprises a series of seven stories produced by Jaime Vallaure and Rafael Lamata together with a group of inmates of the prison of Carabanchel. The stories, some of which have been written by the inmates themselves, whilst others are authored by well-known writers such as Cortázar and García Lorca, are meditations on freedom, life, the future and luck, and are read and interpreted by the inmates.
The video, which was screened in the prison, allowed a small group of inmates, all part of the prison’s theatre group, to momentarily escape their reality. Their existence, worries, and a tough and unyielding present time, are portrayed in the piece in a crude and direct manner. These testimonies are combined with popular tales and borrowed stories, which, in this context, become powerful expressive vehicles at the service of this peculiar group of actors.
Each one of these stories is constructed by a way of mixing images of the prison itself with other images taken from television ads and documentaries, and scenes interpreted by the inmates. Each work is presented under a different register, yet a powerful voice-over joins them all together and guides and structures each of them, turning each piece into a peculiar and distinct contribution.