Space Riders

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The video is a galactic trip where two astronauts live a conceptual sci-fi adventure. After swallowing two objects related to the art world, the spaceship where they travel leads them to the first intergalactic highway, the Meccatuna Road, a path that is modified by those who pass by and ends in 2666.

In this trip, there are called into question hypothetical facts about artistic creation in a far future, supposing an active life of human beings in outer space: what creative process would exist in 2058?, what is the form that will come? or what kind of art will be developed in Mars?

Technical datasheet

  • Title: Space Riders
  • Direction: Aggtelek
  • Production: 2010.
  • Duration: 00:24:46
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Subtitles: English
  • Original format: Quicktime
  • Formats: Betacam Digital - DVD
  • TV systems: NTSC - PAL
  • License: Copyright