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For several months Núria collaborated with eight minors who were immersed in the context of sexual abuse and exploitation in Mexico to jointly curate paintings of religious themes, mostly from the colonial period.
They were shown around fifty paintings from Mexican museums and had to choose the ones that most challenged them. Based on their own experiences, the children interpreted the Catholic scenes depicted in the nine paintings they selected; interpretations that would end up making up the audio-guide of the joint curatorship.
During the artist's second stay in the country, she made contact with a family of former pimps – a mother and two of her children – who, while serving time for their crimes, found God and became Christian pastors. She invited them to provide, from their experience as traffickers, the comments on the paintings made by the children.
MUAC was asked to arrange the loans of works with the institutions that owned the paintings in order to have the original works in the exhibition, which opened on 10 November 2018.
In this project Núria was interested in confronting Catholic education with sexual abuse, the subordinate status of women in relation to men, as well as the sexual roles and identities derived from the concept of family linked to that religious culture.
* You can view this work in its entirety at the following link: