Vida de O

Lúa Coderch

Vida de O [Life of O] is an attempt to rethink what we understand as human through the objectuality that surrounds us. Faced with the strategies of attributing human traits to objects as an attempt to give life to the supposedly inert, the exercise proposed here is the opposite, although complementary: a transposition of attributes, perceptions and sensibilities that go from the object to the human, made from irony.

What attributes of the inert appear in us? Can objects establish an empathetic relationship with us? Can language and speech misplace their human connotations? To these questions Vida de O doesn't as much seek to offer an answer as it treis to invoke a grey zone in which the distinction between subject and object, presentation and representation abandons the dialectical habit thanks to an intermediate and consciously blurred space.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: Vida de O
  • Direction: Lúa Coderch
  • Production: 2018.
  • Team:

    Escrit i dirigit per Lúa Coderch

    Videografia: Adrià Sunyol Estadella

    Disseny de producció: Lúa Coderch i Adrià Sunyol Estadella

    Càmera: Julietta Lutti Cañellas

    Ajudant de càmera: María Nova López

    Edició: Adrià Sunyol Estadella i Lúa Coderch

    Postproducció: Artic

    Composició: Manu Rastrollo

    Escenografia: Lúa Coderch

    Assistent d'escenografia: Luis Hernández Baena

    Actors: Laura Benítez, Lluís Nacenta, Sergi Botella, María Fernanda Moscoso, Marc Vives e Irina Mutt.


    Amb pintures deRasmus Nilausen

    Amb banda sonora dissenyada per Lucrecia Dalt


    Agraïments: Sonia Fernández Pan, Soledad Gutiérrez, galería àngels Barcelona, Salamina, García galería.


    Obra realitzada amb el finançament de Centro Centro, Madrid 2018.

  • Duration: 00:43:57
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Subtitles: English
  • Original format: Quicktime
  • Formats: HD 1920x1080
  • TV systems: PAL