Salvi Vivancos

Salvi Vivancos develops his artistic activity in a space between audiovisual creation, research and preservation of domestic cinema. In one way or another, what undoubtedly defines his work is his work as an intermediary between found film images and their possible interpretations. His pieces are conceived as a public recontextualization of an archive or collection of images conceived as private. His work proposes new strategies of visibilization and reinterpretation of familiar films and uses methodologies apparently distant from those of more conventional archiving, but similar in essence.

His artistic proposal is nourished by the Random Memory concept, based on the random use of home movie images as individual and collective emotional memory, as in Hipocampus, exhibited at the Centro Párraga in Murcia (2022, curated by Enric Mira) and at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Condeduque in Madrid (2023, exhibition "Hecho en Casa. Current Domestic Video Art in Spain" curated by Carlos TMori). 

Vivancos has also exhibited at the 58th Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema in Pesaro; the National Museum of Underwater Archaeology; the residency at Centro Negra of AADK in Murcia; the work-in-progress Investigación sobre Val del Omar; the Virtual Residency at the Film Lab of FAC Montevideo in collaboration with the Cultural Center of Spain in Montevideo; or at the University of Murcia.

His artistic practice feeds back into other audiovisual preservation projects in which he works, such as Memorias Celuloides or the Red de Cine Doméstico, the latter included in the Spanish Archive of Media Art. Since 2017, he participates in the international film preservation project APEX MIAP NYU, between 2021 and until 2024 he works in the research project El cine doméstico en España: preservación, difusión y apropiación and since 2022 in Destiladera. Lanzarote Revealed. Since 2012 regular collaborator of The Center for Home Movies, where he curated Home Movie Day and Night: 24 Hours Marathon (2019).
