Sarai García Cumplido

After studying a degree in Film and Audiovisual Media at ESCAC 2004, Sarai García Cumplido is dedicated to cultural research, combining the production of projects in the cultural field with independent curating. Her projects are traversed by the need to give voice to non-hegemonic knowledge to consider speculations about new ways of co-inhabiting and taking care of ourselves.

She has been filming a Swedish forest and the beings that inhabit it for 12 years and is in the process of writing and film editing the material. Some pieces of this research were seen in Air Pur (Sâlmon Festival 2018), a collaboration with artist Iñaki Alvárez. She starred in the film Seeing a Woman, by Mònica Rovira -awarded at Zineoak, Seville Festival, Lisbon QueerFilm Festival, Filmadrid, Tallin Film Festival, D'A Film Festival.

She is co-founder of the collective DU-DA and for 7 years she has been doing pedagogical activism with projects such as La tribu Sugurú and Derivas, a self-managed group of upbringing, politics and libertarian and nomadic pedagogies in the city of Barcelona.


She makes bread and worked as a baker in Barcelona, Reykjavik and Stockholm. This transformative process gave rise to different works of biological/social fermentation and mediation, such as Pan duro, Pan de Rana or Puaj! with which she participated in Cultura y ciudadanía 2019 at Matadero, Madrid and XOC'19, at NAU BOSTIK. She is also curator at the Centre LGTBI in Barcelona with SOM MOLT*S (2019) and Far (2020).

Since March 2020 she has been conducting the research Morir Guay, a film about childbirth as a state of light and death, 2020 research project selected by the
Scocesa and projects with her family (biological and extended) a life in the countryside.
