Morir (nacer) guay

Sarai García Cumplido

Morir (nacer) guay is the first of a series of filmed conversations about gestation and childbirth. During the research process of this film corpus we talked about the small symbolic violences that a maternal body carries, and about not ideantifying with the patriarchal model of motherhood. We talked about discomfort, fear and space of power that has to do with the collective.

As Camila Barreau Daly wrote, "life itself has rebelled against the capitalist straitjacket". During the stay at the residence La Segunda Duna in Olost we talked with Ona Bros and Jara Rocha about their own experience of gestation and birth of Heura. The forest opened a path to rencounter with valuable and fluctuating story about the invisible, the political, the material and the fragility of giving birth, about biobodies, biopolitics, witchcraft and birth as rebelion.

The film is a result of a research grant awarded by La Escocesa.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: Morir (nacer) guay
  • Direction: Sarai García Cumplido
  • Production: 2021.
  • Duration: 00:14:32
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Original format: HD 1920x1080
  • TV systems: PAL