The Kiss

Luis Macías
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Based on the film THE KISS (T. Edison 1896) in its original 35mm format, this video-film project is based on a structural re-shooting and re-recording of the original film in all the existing formats: analog, electronic and digital,  in an evolutive form. The film is a reiteration of the act of kissing. The emphasis on the kiss, repeated and multiplied, while deteriorated in it’s own progress.

The history of the evolution of formats through a kiss. An intimate and aesthetic relationship between media and audiovisual formats.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: The Kiss
  • Direction: Luis Macías
  • Production: Luis Macias. 2014.
  • Duration: 00:08:30
  • Original format: Quicktime
  • Formats: Quicktime
  • License: Creative Commons