The video proposes reflection on how knowledge is produced and how it occupies bodies and how it's transferred under the intersubjectivity. The way we are is based on layers of history and stories that precede. Creation of what is considered new comes after previous beginning.
The project began during the stay on the island of São Miguel in the archipelago of the Azores, where Mejías undergone residency at Pico do Refúgio, an artistic research centre located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
There is a song that has circulated around the Earth ever since humpback whales inhabited the seas and oceans. Members of the same population share the same song. They are versifiers, they have dialects, types of accents and even rhythms, scales and pulses that possibly facilitate their mnemonic quality. They start from a shared melody, but in these choral gatherings, subtle changes are introduced by a member of the community and incorporated into the pod anthem. In addition, it seems that whales of the world share acoustic information, as if they were singing fragments of the same song. Thus a circular melody is generated around the Earth, with one group of whales ending the song where another begins. This constitutes a shared cultural system. Like the troubadours of the deep sea, they recite stories that are not genetically encoded, but which they learn throughout their lives both from their families and from individuals who cross their path.
From this research the audiovisual piece originated. It shows a series of human hands that pass water in a relationship of profound interdependence. Each impulse twists the course of what comes next, same as even slightest pebble changes course of a river. Thus a body – any body – is a container, even for a second, of knowledge that passes through it and affects it. These extremities belong to the narrow circle of people with whom the artist cohabits a studio, experiences and common places.