The Serranía Baja de Cuenca (Spain) is a land where two species of almonds are grown: larguetas and marconas. When the artist went to shake the almond trees with his family, Cienfuegos understood "mariconas" ["faggot" in Spanish] instead of "marconas". From this displacement, the artist strat arising questions about the boundaries queer people have in rural areas. How does dissidence move within the margins of the territory itself? How can we understand the own dissident identity in a space that has always been presented to us as hostile and harmful? These are some of the thoughts emerging from the return to the village after living in the city, where Cande Lázaro begins to read themself from a chosen space that can also be safe.
This video is a reflection of the so-called "emptied Spain", which is not actually empty, where queer people also live and exist. It examins conjunction between dissidence and rurality.
"mar(i)cona" has participated in the programming of the Festival Bajo Teja de San Lorenzo de Tormes (2021), the IFFR Rotterdam Film Festival in the distributor section (2023) and won the Short Film Award at the Sicilia Queer Filmfest (2023)..