The Doctor Puigvert high school is located in a neighborhood on the edge of Barcelona, surrounded by the river and some of the city's major access roads. During a course we work with a group of students, newcomers to the high school. We explore the surroundings of the school. In these environments we plan to do some actions.
But at the end of the course the group decides to change the planned actions and propose a new one to the rest of the students of the high school: being alone in the school for a day without teachers. A documentary shows how the group carries out the idea of being alone in the school, asks all the other students their opinions and negotiates with the management, teaching staff and families to put the action in realization.
This project was done in collaboration with the students Mario Andreu, Ivan Arman, Sheila Badías, Iván Batalla, Kristina Benkovskaya, Júlia Castells, Gemma Hernández, Eva López, Luna Magán, Lluna Marquès, Nel Martínez, Àlex Miquel, Mar Pavia, Meritxell Rigola, Ivet Surià, Roberlin Trinidad, Abril Yus and teacher Mercè Gaja, with the participation of the educative community of the Doctor Puigvert High School, in the framework of Creadors EN RESiDÈNCiA als instituts de Barcelona, a programm of Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona, conceived in cooperation with Associació A Bao A Qu.
Camera: Creadors EN RESiDÈNCiA group
Edicition: Mercedes Mangrané - Factual Films
Subtitling: Fundació Els Tres Turons
English revision: Caroline Peña Bray
Mediation and coordination: Associació A Bao A Qu.
Thanks to: Montserrat Ciuró, Mercè Gaja, Sonia Fernández Pan, Martín Vitaliti.