María Salgado

María Salgado (Madrid, 1984) works with language as material for performances, audios and texts.

She has presented solo performances in, among other contexts, MAC Montréal, WKV Stuttgart, MACBA, Museo Oteiza, Donostia 2016, La Panera or CentroCentro, and in cultural institutions in Peru, Argentina, United States and Mexico. He has published dozens of pieces and texts in academic journals and artistic publications, as well as five books of poetry in Spain and three in Argentina and the essay El momento analírico in Akal publishing house. Since 2012 he has been part of the Euraca Seminar, a research collective on language and crisis of the present that, organized in an assembly way, elaborates open study programs and edits the journal L/E/N/G/U/A/J/J/E/o. 2012 is also the year in which she starts her collaboration with composer Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca for the exploration of a crossover between sound art, contemporary music and poetry that has allowed them to transit different scenes of creation, showing their work in contexts such as the CDN Valle Inclán, the 39 Festival de Otoño, the Mercat de les Flors, the Museo Reina Sofía, the Encontre de compositors, the Sala Sol, Hangar, Espacio Naranjo, 16 Beaver, Casa Brandon or the Centro Cultural Kirchner.

As an artist, she has been a visiting professor at the Staatliche Akademie die Künste Stuttgart while enjoying a residency at Akademie Schloss Solitude (2017/8), as well as in different programs and postgraduate programs, and has been a workshop leader in various educational projects. 
