Jinete Último Reino Frag. 3 [Horseman's Last Kingdom Frag. 3] contains the recording of the performance of the same name that took place in the vault hall of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía on 15 March 2018. Shot with three cameras, the video exceeds the category of documentation to become an autonomous piece.
The Frag. 3 of Jinete Último Reino explores desire as an engine of liberation, the deviation from the gender norm and the joy shared by the subcultures of the night. By placing the audience inside a light and sound space delimited by a quadraphonic system, it tends to permeate the reception of the bodies surrounding the performers as well as the aura of the performance space. The dark vaulted room of the former royal hospital that houses the Reina Sofía Museum produced a unique listening environment, enchanig vibration and attention, which are very well captured in the film.
"That mystery, that oblivion of what in the morning no longer exists, that power and that impotence that, by metonymy, are called night."*
* María Salgado, "Lírica / 5 // From a version of Aunque es de noche", 2018.
Jinete Último Reino Frag. 3 was previewed at the Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía (C3A) on 17 June 2017 as part of the programme Círculo íntimo: acciones en torno a Pepe Espaliú. The premiere took place on 30 June of the same year at Matadero Madrid, in the context of El porvenir de la revuelta, memoria y deseo LGTBQI. After both events, the work has toured to Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid, 14-15/3/2018), Centro Párraga (Murcia, 28/4/2018), Festival Idíoritmies del MACBA (Barcelona, 5/5/2018), Festival Salmon at Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona, 3/2/2019), Festival Eszenas do cambio (Santiago de Compostela, 8/2/2019), De poesía por Getafe at the IES Menéndez Pelayo (Getafe, 25/4/2019) and Bad festival at the Teatro Campos Antzokia (Bilbao, 19/10/2019); the public programme of the exhibition "Querer parecer noche" at the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Móstoles, 13/12/2018) and at the Centro Cultural Kirchner (Buenos Aires, 11- 12/12/2021). On 21 November 2021 the Frag. 3 closed the complete trilogy of Jinete Último Reino presented at the Teatros del Canal as part of the 39th Autumn Festival.
Performance: María Salgado y Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca
Direcció: Jacobo García-Andrade
Fotografia: Jacobo García-Andrade, Ignacio De Wit, Lorenzo García-Andrade
Montatge: Jacobo García-Andrade
Director tècnic: Óscar G. Villegas